(Disclaimer of) Liability
The following laws are relevant for the columnist blog „netcolumnist.org“ operated by Joachim Endemann (respectively EndemannVerlag / EndemannPublisher):
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See especially §10 TMG:
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Copyright matters
The journalistic contents of „netcolumnist.org“ are subject to the German copyright law. Therefore the operator of „netcolumnist.org“ asks to show special consideration for the following issue:
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Legal disputes
In case of disputes regarding the law relating to the use of name, e.g. the name of the domain, textual statements or contents, respectively written warnings due to infringing current competition law, respectively the current Distance Selling Act, the operator kindly asks you to contact him in advance in order to avoid unnecessary disputes and costs. The cost note of a law warning w i t h o u t preceding establishment of contact is rejected in the sense of the damage reduction decrease as unfounded. Unjustified written warnings and/or cease-and-desist declarations at least result in declaratory action.
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EndemannVerlag / EndemannPublisher
Joachim Endemann
Scharpenberg 16
D-45468 Muelheim an der Ruhr
[_VAT No.: 120 / 5059 / 3228_]
email: kontakt@endemannverlag.com