Archiv für den Monat: August 2016

Stephen Fry’s line of reasoning regarding the greatest abstract figure of human thoughts …

Stephen Fry’s argumentation in the video will never convince monotheists for their ideology is so “spacious” that any queer thought is able to rush through and so they will believe, in that moment when the earth will come to its end (and only the point in time is uncertain), it was an act of their imagined spiritual figure – whereas actually it will be a certain result of a certain point in the movement of the everlasting pulsing Materia.

So the question is: Is it not high time for humane ethics – binding for all, while belief has to remain a private matter? And what could express what “humane ethics” means? Well, in short: to live in the originality of a person’s own, to think in the originality of a person’s own, to behave in the originality of a person’s own – provided such a person does not demand this from the environment (including the own children for they should develop their own originality of being a human being – as far fully developed as possible).

Yours faithfully, Joachim Endemann

© Joachim Endemann


Annotation to an article on “RP-Online” of 25 August 2016:

Tanzprojekt vereinigt ganz unterschiedliche Menschen

(__meaning roughly “Project Dance unites all kinds of people,
however different they may be”__)

The article as such is a good one, it is just the creation of the term ”deprived area”, used in a knee-jerk manner, and, as usual misleading for it should be called “symptom area” as a result of the wrong politics applied. It is the wrong politics that will always thwart those per se good efforts of such projects. Annotation to an article on “RP-Online” of 25 August 2016: weiterlesen

To be true, this topic is not new, however, still relevant …

As of 29 May 2015 the following article could be read in German by anybody on my German blogsite Since it has not forfeited any of its actuality, this article is now being re-presented in German there and likewise accessible in English, too, here. Furthermore, it will be a chapter

— in a completely revised and expanded form —

in my third book project, starting as of the beginning of the next year: To be true, this topic is not new, however, still relevant … weiterlesen