Archiv für den Monat: Februar 2017

Condition for a working monetary union

[__This statement was first published
in German on 23 February 2017.__]

One of the two essential conditions for a monetary union properly working is the alignment on the Golden Rule of Wages.

(__See the detailed explanation in: Es werde mehr Licht! Mehr Demokratie wagen in der Lobbykratie? Untersuchung über die Konsequenzen der bürgerlichen Real-Demokratie, pages 214-18, footnote 177.__)

For this reason the regular ballyhoo-rituals between employers and unions not only can but have to be refrained from. As this way _all_ parties involved _indeed_ are helped, we can see what mess the policies asked for by Europe’s German hegemon produces. Condition for a working monetary union weiterlesen

The Europe of the neo-Wilhelminist Hegemon and its Future

[__This statement was first published
in German on 17 February 2017.__]

The following is about a finding and not about a vision of a process that might occur. The Europe of the neo-Wilhelminist Hegemon and its Future weiterlesen