The coherent last political will by the former Chancellor Helmut Kohl

Even though it may seem outrageous to those Neo-Wilhelminist rattlers, but Helmut Kohl’s last political will not to wish for a state act but to set a political accent _is_ in fact coherent.

Assuming that Helmut Kohl’s widow had decided against her deceased husband’s will who understood himself as a German European and who consequently had wished for an exclusively symbolic act of honour on a European level, that _is_ the actual scandal.

Mind you, this assumption is symptomatic for the state of the German establishment, which is intellectually going nuts — should there be anything happen against the ideas of the representatives of this establishment, thus, e.g., the so called alpha-journalists react immediately and write anything to defend the German ruling staff, as did a Mr Fleischhauer in an article for the German online site „spiegel-online“:

Der gestohlene Kanzler
equalling „The Stolen Chancellor“.

What would this Neo_Wilhelminist elite would have made from such an act of state in Berlin — after all, we are in the middle of the election cramp!-aigns for the Federal election on 24 September and things are happening against the background of all the un_solved issues

(__that were covered up through the Cold War
but that are now all emerging again with a vengeance__)


against the background of, to a great extend home-made-rising both social and political tensions within and beyond the EU, which eventually will turn against Germany itself?

*  *  *

Well, it would not have been odd, if Helmut Kohl’s last wish had not only asked for Bill Clinton to hold a speech but also for the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orbán — after all Helmut Kohl had lambasted Mrs Angela Merkel in exactly the same context that the name Orbán tumbles of the lips:

Altkanzler Kohl plant Treffen mit Orbán
(__“Ex-chancellor Kohl plans meeting with Orbán.“__)

There is no doubt that Mr Orbán does undermine the state of law and abiding by the human rights is not a priority for him. — But is it for Mrs Merkel and the politics she is responsible for?

Well, with regard to undermining the constitutional state see: „Überwachungsgesetz im Parlament. So trickst die Koalition die Öffentlichkeit aus“ (__“The Surveillance Act voted. Thus the coalition is looking to outsmart the public.“__)

(__Functioning in a homogenised way, all in line with the market, asks for a certain adjustment of the judicial practice in the EU member states in line with the market, doesn’t it?__

But when it comes to human rights Mrs Merkel and Mr Orbán are worlds apart, aren’t they?

[…] In order to fully develop the potential of such a so called „refugee-policy“ respectively of such a „migration management“, a lot more money needs to be invested in the building or extending airports, the supply of military vehicles as well as all other kinds of means and items in the countries mentioned […]. One of the highlights of its symptomatical policy being the establishment of a network of military bases in Africa — for supervision is a must.

This, „refugee policy“ with its „migration management“ compellingly asks for cooperation with terror organisations, that i.a. form the government themselves as it is, for instance, the case in Ethiopia. The Ethiopian government that cracks down on demonstrators who e.g. in 2005 peacefully protested against a phony election of the parliament. Ever since an „anti-terror-code“ has been in effect since 2009, critical journalists have to face lengthy prison terms for the mere reporting on the work of the Ethiopian opposition, whilst for many months this terror regime has been using brute force against the population whose annoyance has been steadily increasing. Within the period from the end of 2015 to the beginning of October 2016 at least 1,200 dead among the Ethiopian opposition were to be bewailed, as amongst the participants of a festivity a panic was sparked by the henchmen of exactly that same terror organisation, whose leader Mrs Merkel met on 11 October 2016 — in order to agree on the future proceedings with organising the so-called „migration management“ within the scope of such a „refugee policy“ while this terror organisation that actually forms the government, declared the state of emergency on 9 October, so as of then no one in the population could feel safe from the henchmen of this organisation that fights the own people and is courted by German politics and equipped with German both financial and military aid.

[__Source: German Foreign Policy, „Besetzen und abschotten“, this site was checked on 22 October 2016 and you will probably need a subscription in order to read the full text.__]

Not a single word, at least nothing unvarnished can be read of these incidents in the German mainstream media, which, therefore, have to be assessed as brought into line. I cannot see a single syllable on the reasons for social tensions and political aberrations looked into out-of-the-box — at least not at all any more when it comes to the core of the problem.

Well, what might possibly be the reasons for that? Which argument could possibly justify not pushing forward to the crux of the matter? Dear reader, you may excuse me, for I can tell you the reason: This push would mean looking into the mirror and then realising the main cause of the problem.[…]

(__Source: Zwischenrufe in satirisch-politischen Variationen oder Reale Betrachtungen  dadaistisch-surrealer Phänomene in der Lobbykratie, 28. Zwischenruf: „Wie das fürchterliche Wort ‘Flüchtlingspolitik’ erst seine eigentliche Bedeutung bekommt“, pages 292-93__)

Of course, it is true that Mr Orbán is controversial within the EU. — And so is

(__rapidly increasing__)

Mrs Merkel and the politics she is responsible for.

Prior to the EU summit that is beginning today [that is on the 22 June 2017] and that is going to be about the expansion of the EU to a military power, experts on foreign policies keep warning about increasing annoyance on the German dominance in the union. Indeed, experts do realise “a kind of new acceptance” of the German leadership with the establishment of all the 28 member states of the EU, but at the same time dissatisfaction keeps rising — with the population of various member states, however, even in parts of the political elites. A survey in France in 2013 revealed that 86 % of the respondents ranked Germany as a “dominant state”. Even in “political circles” in Paris “more or less severe reproaches against German can be perceived”. And it was also in 2013 that the majority of the Greek population declared the Federal Republic of Germany “the least trustworthy and sympathetic, at the same time the most arrogant member state of the EU”. As an expert of the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMFUS) reasoned that Germany now urgently had to make concessions to, at least, stabilise the Euro zone. However, following experience with the German dominance up to now this could hardly be expected. Indeed, Berlin is currently counting on binding the Eu together by means of joint missions of war and this way urges the militarisation of the EU. […]

(__Source: German Foreign Policy, „Unter deutscher Führung“; unfortunately only to read in full with a subscription__)

And what about the merkelesque policies and the German-American relationship, has it only been cross ever since the beginning of the Trump administration?

When some weeks ago the American President Obama came to Europe, he visited France and Poland, but he did not come to Germany …

(__Helmut Kohl in an interview with the magazine „IP-Zeitschrift“ [newspaper for international politics__] by the influential conservative association of the “German society for foreign politics”, published on 1 September 2011: „Helmut Kohl über eine Außenpolitik, der es an Verläßlichkeit mangelt„. _ „Helmut kohl talked on foreign politics lacking reliability, and the whole article can be read here.“__).

*  *  *

So what would this Neo_Wilhelminist elite would have made from such an act of state in Berlin — after all, we are in the middle of the election cramp!-aigns for the Federal election on 24 September and things are happening against the background of all the un_solved issues

(__that were covered up through the Cold War
but that are now all emerging again with a vengeance__)


against the background of, to a great extend home-made-rising both social and political tensions within and beyond the EU, which eventually will turn against Germany itself?

Well, this neo- Wilhelminist elite would have celebrated itself and they would have fancied themselves in their role of Europe’s hegemon, throwing „structural reforms“ as inept as ideological into the other’s teeth with the crack of a whip.

This elite would have used the chance once again to admit their provincial, thus pseudo-worldliness attitudes by, stinking with their claim to leadership, respectively, once the camera is directed to one of the state guests attending the act of honour for Helmut Kohl, uttering smeary, disguised sayings — thus in a way that they have been doing this for long in the mis_leading mainstream media, thereby creating more and more astonishment and annoyance not only with the political observers but also with the ordinary people.

*  *  *

_ The missing link of human freedom in the present society _

A mass society easily falls for the charm of the illusion by collective suggestion and illusions collectively created:

An own opinion can only be formed in any single individual on condition that there is protection against suggestion and propaganda as well as protection against manipulation through deception especially as freedom is essential for intelligence.

As a result, and just as an example, any media or party has to be deprived of its opportunities for comments with audience appeal if their representatives avail themselves of these means as not only the borders of the „free expression“ are trespassed but the freedom of opinion of the members of a society are infringed — thus the freedom to form: your _own_ opinion.

[__Cf. Simone Weil, Enracinement Prélude à une déclaration des de-voirs envers l’être humain, Librairie Gallimard, Paris, 1949, pages 29 ff. _ This excerpt has been adapted in its translation to the current conditions by the author.__]

Just as

„dehumanisation is not spiritulisation yet“

as Walter Serner (1889-1942) stated,


use of freedom of opinion is the exact opposite of


freedom, as this is compatible with a lobbycracy but not at all with a democracy.

That means from the point of view of enlightenment, freedom of opinion and democracy, [they] commit something reprehensible: they poison and dull people’s minds and endanger them. Well, according to the Basic Law this would not be allowed, if it still were in force.

_ Any further questions? _

Source: Zwischenrufe in satirisch-politischen Variationen oder Reale Betrachtungen dadaistisch-surrealer Phänomene in der Lobbykratie, page 164.

*  *  *

No, it is to be understood as follows:

Mrs Maike Kohl-Richter fulfills her husband’s last political will to set a political accent beyond her husband’s death for a European Germany and against a German Europe that is developing in a self-destructive way.

With Helmut Kohl’s criticism of the German politics, expressed when he was with his right mind, it was only coherent to have such politicians keep silent at least during this symbolic act of honour — mind you, in the European parliament— taking place.

That means Helmut Kohl was convinced that this politics Mrs Merkel is responsible for is dangerous and threatens to endanger everything that has been achieved ever since the end of the second part of the Great War.

For several years Germany has not been a calculable factor any more — neither domestically nor internationally. […] We have to be careful not to squander everything. […]

(__Quoted from: IP-Zeitschrift__)

In other words, with his last will Helmut Kohl peed on the parades of all those ones who do not want or cannot understand the conditions under which the EU _might_ still have a chance — even though he did not realise the essential element for that, but this is not to be discussed now, but:

Chapeau, Helmut Kohl! — You have given me a great pleasure, that has hardly to be dreamt of!

And rest in peace in Speyer — near the cathedral!

© Joachim Endemann (__EndemannVerlag; translated by Kirsten Grunau__)

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