Schlagwort-Archive: Weihmachtspiel

While the market is preparing everything for the Christmas season …

While the market is preparing everything for the Christmas season, I am looking for the video recordings of the „Weihmachtspiel” respectively “Le_Jeu_des_Pouvoirs_Sanctifiés” respectively “The_Hallowed_Power_Game”, that is performed in December as every year — although actually it is not a game for it takes place every day in real life: sometimes here, sometimes there somewhere in the world … indeed, at least, every time the power elites and their satellites of the main national states of _this_ world have the strong sense that something should happen, for otherwise the peoples could act against them — thus the citizens could act as sovereigns do …

The_Hallowed_Power_Game _ Das_Weihmacht-Spiel _ Le_Jeu_des_Pouvoirs_Sanctifiés

© Joachim Endemann (__EndemannVerlag__)